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Tea Tree - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) is known for its purifying qualities, making it useful for cleaning skin and home surfaces, purifying the air, or promoting healthy immune function. It is one of the most widely used and studied essential oils, making it an essential product in every home. Thanks to its cleansing properties and astringent aroma, tea tree is a versatile oil that can be used for all kinds of applications, from household cleaning solutions to skin care.  It is fungicidal.

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Bergamot - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia) essential oil can dispel feelings of anxiety while simultaneously cleansing and purifying the skin. It has calming, antidepressant and uplifting properties. Has a slight citrus scent  Sweet that  It will help get you going in the morning and lift your spirits.
It mitigates sadness, fear, exhaustion, anger. Provides internal balance, unlocks mental obstacles, so it awakens your creativity.

Cedro - Essential Oil 100% pure therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Cedar essential oil (Junipeusr Virginiana)  with its warm and woody aroma, it contributes to a relaxing environment. With properties that help calm the mind and body. The associated cleansing and hydration properties  with this essential oil they also make it a great addition to your favorite skin care products. You can also dilute it and massage it into your scalp to give your hair a healthy appearance.
It is widely used in meditation and yoga environments, as it helps concentration, deepens meditation, calms anxiety and anger. Increases self-respect, intuition,  brings serenity and determination.

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Citronella - 100% pure essential oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) essential oil has a fresh, citrusy, herbaceous aroma, which provides a pleasant experience every time it is used. It is well known for its use in outdoor candles and other essentials for camping and outdoor activities, as it is an excellent insect repellent.  It is deodorizing and disinfectant, it helps with pain  headache, migraine, colds and mental fatigue.
It recovers lost energy, clears and animates the mind, allows you to clearly visualize internal and external conflicts. Harmonize our interior.

Eucalyptus - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Eucalyptus essential oil (Eucalyptus globulus)  It is fresh and spectacular, it is popular in personal care products and spa treatments. Renowned for its cleansing properties and stimulating scent. May help clear breathing, helps with colds. It is often diffused to enjoy its refreshing fragrance as it encourages balance. Helps against migraines, burns, rheumatism, sinusitis, pediculosis, among others.
It cools anger, gives clarity and security, helps to face fears and takes us out of a state of shock, restoring balance.

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Peppermint - 100% pure essential oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Peppermint  (Mentha Spicata) is a more moderate alternative than other essential oils of peppermint. The traditional use of peppermint oil is to help respiratory health, it is stimulating, anesthetizing, healing, it helps to improve digestion, it calms stress. It has a fresh, pleasant and comforting aroma. It helps a lot for nasal congestion, colds and bronchitis, among others.
It favors concentration, vitality, stimulating, clarifies our ideas, calms nervousness and mental exhaustion. It is recommended to reinforce self-confidence, or to "digest" an emotion or situation.

Lavender - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil has an intense aroma that evokes freshness, purity and calm. Due to its versatile uses, lavender is often considered an oil to have on hand at all times. It is the favorite for its classic aroma, its versatility, its soothing and relaxing properties that promote restful sleep, excellent for healing or skin burns.
Combat irritability, melancholy, depression, nervousness, replace negative weighing with positive as it favors physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Aceite Esencial Lavanda Devitare
Aceite Esencial Limon Devitare

Lemon - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

The cleansing, purifying and invigorating properties of lemon (Citrus limon) make it one of the most versatile oils. With its lively and cheerful scent, it not only purifies skin and hair, but will help you create invigorating and refreshing environments. Mix it with your cleansing products, use it during your nightly skincare routine, or add it to your conditioner. Help for slow digestion, constipation, stress and poor circulation among others.
Helps against anxiety, apathy, dispels indecision, calms anger, increases general well-being and a sense of humor.

Lemongrass (Lemon Tea) - 100% pure therapeutic grade Essential Oil - 10ml bottle with dispenser

The  Lemongrass, Lemongrass, or Lemon Tea (Cymbopogon flexuosus) essential oil has a pungent, herbaceous aroma that can reinforce awareness and promote a positive attitude. Its sophisticated and serene aroma will transform your home into a comforting sanctuary .. Helps with headaches, slow digestion, nervous fatigue, is full of insects, jet lag, gastroenteritis and can be used as a repellent for pets .
This scent provides creativity, improves memory, clears the mind, purifies places of dense energy, clears the mind.

Aceite Esencial Limoncillo Devitare
Aceite Esencial Mandarina Devitare

Mandarin - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Mandarin essential oil (Citrus reticulata)  is known for supporting the health of the immune system. Like fresh citrus fruits, Mandarin oil is liked by both children and adults, with its aroma it can create an attitude of happiness and satisfaction. Helps with indigestion, insomnia, constipation, stress, flu,  premenstrual syndrome and restlessness.
Remove melancholy, generate inspiration, enthusiasm and strength. Helps communication and minimizes depression, anxiety, eliminating fears and anguish.

Peppermint - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Peppermint essential oil  (Mentha  arvensis) provides a fresh, familiar and unique aroma. You can place it in your diffuser to create a stimulating atmosphere that will allow you to focus on your daily tasks. You can also apply it topically to create a cooling sensation on the skin, which will be very relaxing especially after rigorous physical activity, or if you have a headache. Helps with travel sickness, nausea, halitosis, and indigestion.
Balances and harmonizes the mind, eliminates bad thoughts, calms situations of anguish, panic and suffering, deepens meditation and improves concentration.

Aceite Esencial Menta Devitare
Aceite Esencial Naranja Devitare

Orange - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Orange (Citrus sinensis) essential oil has a sweet and intense aroma that will create revitalizing environments. Start your day with a stimulating blast by diffusing this essential oil and filling any space with a sense of peace, harmony and creativity. Complement it with oils like grapefruit or patchouli. Helps with anxiety, dermatitis, spasms  digestive, cold and palpitations.
It is ideal for nervous problems, balances emotions, inspires harmony, produces a more positive point of view, restores joy.

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Patchouli (Patchouli) - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Patchouli essential oil (Pogostemon cablin)  It has an intense and musky aroma, due to its complex aroma it is often used in many perfumes, soaps, incense and essential oil blends. You can use it as a relaxing and calming scent during meditation or yoga practice. It is a very intense aroma so it takes away hunger. If you apply it in small doses it is sedative, in high doses it is stimulating. It helps to recover from exhaustion, mental fatigue, calms in situations of anger.

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Aceite Esencial Pino Devitare

Pino - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) oil has traditionally been used to promote a healthy respiratory system.  It is used to purify the skin and promote a positive mood. It helps with allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, it is an insect repellent, among others.
It is  invigorating, brings balance, restores hope for those who lost motivation, relieves psycho-emotional tension. Increase communication. Revitalize.
Mixing pine with citrus oils will create an uplifting environment while refreshing the air.

Rosemary - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) essential oil is frequently used for its fragrant aroma and energizing effect. Its fresh woody-herbal scent helps create an energizing environment and promotes a sense of clarity. Helps with headaches, dermatitis, diarrhea, muscle spasms, stress, mental fatigue, among others Balances intense emotions, inspires the desire to achieve success, strengthens willpower, mental clarity, increases positive energy, improves memory and concentration.

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Thyme  - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Traditionally, thyme (Thymus vulgaris) has been regarded for its cleansing properties and is used to support the body's natural defenses. It is extracted from its leaves and has an intense and fresh herbal smell, it is an extremely concentrated substance that can help us with slow digestion, muscle aches, stress, pharyngitis, flu, throat infections, poor circulation, chronic cough, among others. .
It combats the feeling of exhaustion, revives a fallen talent, fosters courage, is invigorating, strengthens the nerves during periods of emotional fatigue.

Pink grapefruit  - 100% pure Essential Oil therapeutic grade - 10ml bottle with dispenser

Grapefruit essential oil (Citrus paradisi)  with its sweet and energizing fragrance it evokes feelings of joy and  satisfaction. It is perfect to add to your skin care products, since it favors the elimination of liquids and is used to combat cellulite since it stimulates the lymphatic system. Helps metabolize fats, promotes bile production. It is astringent and antiseptic.
Relaxes, balances the central nervous system, transforms negative emotions into positive ones, improves sleep, helps against depression.

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Essential oils

Turn work meetings into talks full of trust and communication, or turn your home into an oasis of relaxation.

Discover the wonderful range of high quality essential oils that we have.

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